Friday, March 12, 2010

Alpental Vertfest 2010

I wasn't able to get back to Seattle for the Vertfest, but Tyler got his first go at it.  The race is mainly AT guys, but there were still 10 splitboarders.  For those familiar with Alpental, the race went up under Armstrong Express to Chair 2, then up the Fan with a booter section and then up Rollen with another booter section with the up finishing at the entrance to International.  The riding portion went down International, Snakedance and finished at the bottom of Sessel.  Here is another write up with some pictures of the event:  This guy only focuses on the AT contingent.  I think Tyler could have shaved some time if he used one of their awesome lycra suits.  Tyler finished in 4th place and one of our testers Ruaraidh Stenson finished in first.

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